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Top 5 Ways To De-Stress After Exams Featured

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A couple of weeks ago we posted a blog about the different ways to avoid stress before the exam season begins! Since most students have finished or are about to finish this semester, here are few ways we recommend you relax after the weeks of hitting the books!


1. A Day At The Spa

When was the last time you treated yourself to a nice change? Let Aveda take care of you for one day and give you the royal treatment you deserve. With the amazing spa and salon services they offer, you will come out with a fresh new look and a great new feeling. Who knows, you may even love the new you!

2. Take a Road Trip

You could stay local and go to Niagara Falls or even Montreal. If you’re looking to go abroad, or even explore the West and/or East Coasts of Canada, SQM has great deals on travel all over the world! It’s a great opportunity to take your mind off of things, visit family/friends, go shopping, enjoy a new atmosphere, meet new people, and to just have a great time.

3. Shop 'til You Drop

Retail therapy is a great way to get rid of stress! Hit the mall with some friends, or even by yourself! Short on cash? Why not try mystery shopping? We have great assignments that will leave you with more money in your pocket, so sign up today and see what we have near you!

4. Dine Out

When was the last time you went out on a lunch or dinner date just to treat yourself to quality food? Now that exams are done, it is the perfect time for you to invite a couple of people, or one special someone out for a meal! There are tons of great restaurants out there, and we love hearing about your experiences!

5. Canada's Wonderland

For all you thrill seekers, purchase your Wonderland pass now so you can enjoy a day, or a season, full of roller coasters, water parks, fireworks, special performances, and delicious funnel cakes. Not a fan of long lines? Fast Lane passes are also available now for you to bypass the regular lines for just $35 in addition to your admission fare!

Read 156662 times Last modified on Monday, 20 April 2015 23:50
Monday, 20 April 2015 23:00


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