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How To Make Your Summer Last Featured

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Through the eyes of an intern...

For the entire school year, I have been looking towards the summer as it was the glorious reward at the end of my stressful school term. Thinking about all the festivals, music, food, beaches, and the parties got my blood pumping and gave me something to look forward to during my exam period.

As I am writing this blog, I realize that half of my summer has already passed. What have I done so far? Besides starting an internship, I haven't crossed anything off of my bucket list. No festivals, no beaches, and no exciting plans. I can't be the only one out there. So what can we do to make this summer last?

Firstly, crump up the unrealistic bucket list and throw it in the garbage bin. Going jet skiing or cliff diving is probably not going to happen before your school or work starts in September. Instead, you should create a smaller weekly bucket list that has a higher chance of being completed. Now, I'm not talking about an hour-by-hour schedule, I'm talking about a half-a-page check list for the week! For instance, I am going to write down a Sunday morning yoga meet up at the park, one of the summer festivals happening downtown, one hobby that I want to completely immerse myself in for the good portion of the day, and a type of meal that I'm going to cook for a healthy lifestyle. All of these are small temporary things, but they will definitely give me a sense of satisfaction by the end of the week.

Second, think about what you want to accomplish for the last two months of summer. Whether it's a work-out goal or a career goal, determine a short-term goal that you are most likely to complete if you commit to it every day. Even if you are not a student like me, you probably have something that you want to accomplish! Focus on that and figure out how you are going to achieve it. You may think that two months is a long time, but time flies very quickly. If you are not quick to act, you will lose the precious summer that is given to you!


Read 284211 times Last modified on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 10:10
Tuesday, 11 August 2015 23:00


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