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Making Online Purchases User-Friendly Featured

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Through the eyes of Kevin...

Although there are multiple ways to purchase flight tickets, the most common method is through online websites. Once people solidify their travel dates, they choose to book their flights in advance to ensure that they’ll get to choose from a variety of routes for the most affordable fares.

There are some online flight sites that may be a bit overwhelming and confusing especially to new users. I was once helping my mom buy flight tickets from a travel website. Once we had selected our flight route, seating and completed the purchase, we realized that the price was not in Canadian dollars but U.S. Dollars, meaning the price was a bit more than we had expected.

I found it shocking how unclear this had been on the website. Other travel websites made it clear whether or not you were purchasing in Canadian or U.S. dollars. You can't take a site at face value. Just because it looks user friendly does not mean it's without its flaws.


Having information presented in an organized manner is vital to attracting customers. It has become even more important today as websites offer a wide range of information and resources to attract their target market. For websites to be user friendly, it is important that sections and categories are carefully presented in a way that is simple for customer usage. Since travel websites specifically display a lot of information, it’s important for the developers to think from the perspective of the users.

Read 426566 times Last modified on Wednesday, 07 October 2015 23:11
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 23:00


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    Evaluate It by SQM - Making Online Purchases User-Friendly

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    Evaluate It by SQM - Making Online Purchases User-Friendly

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    Evaluate It by SQM - Making Online Purchases User-Friendly

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