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Almost New Years! Featured

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Through the eyes of Suzy...

How many of those New Years Resolutions lists do you have? And how many of them did you keep? Probably not many. It's okay! Most people don't keep up with them for one whole year (some even just forget about them).

This year, to make this different, I am going to share with you three tips that I heard from a friend who always seems to be on top of her resolutions list.

Number one, write down realistic, short-term goals. Instead of writing “I'm going to lose all my weight and look good in my business dress,” write down something like “I'm going to get a membership at the gym and work out x-number of times a week. As a reward, I will give myself x-reward.” This is much easier to carry out and stick to throughout the whole year!

Number two, instead of writing about a change in your personality, research activities or groups you can join to gradually help make that change. “I'm going to be more outgoing” won't help much, but if you write “I'm going to join the local debate club or I'm going to join a local sports team,” you are more likely to be motivated to carry out your year goal.

Number three, record your challenges. For the weight loss challenge, take pictures, make videos, do something that will make you remember and keep you motivated throughout the year. For the personality one, again, take videos or pictures and make an album out of it! Or simply make an Instagram account so you can easily access them!


 No matter what you do, the important thing is to make the resolutions list realistic and simplistic.  

Read 191389 times Last modified on Tuesday, 29 December 2015 00:00
Monday, 28 December 2015 22:00