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Five Canadian Travel Destinations for Summer 2016 Featured

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Through the eyes of Paula...

As many Canadians know, Canada is full of beautiful places from coast to coast. Cities and towns, landmarks both man-made and natural, and islands and lakes populate this wonderful country. Canada welcomes travellers from all parts of the world to visit and enjoy its amazing scenery, but all Canadians at some point in their lives should have the experience of travelling around multiple places in Canada as well. Canada has so much to offer, so narrowing down a list of Canadian destinations is difficult. Here are just five exciting and vibrant places in Canada to explore this year.

1. Fogo Island, Newfoundland: Fogo Island is Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest island, with a population of almost 3000. A large part of the landscape is the vast, untamed wilderness of rocks, crags, and rushing water. But in the middle of all that, standing in stark contrast to untouched nature, is a modern, sustainable, state-of-the-art inn. Dreamed up by Canadian business woman and Fogo Island native Zita Cobb, this luxurious inn provides a comfortable, colourful, and picturesque stay in a place with majestic views. Fogo Island allows travelers to experience a fascinating mix of old and new, rustic and sophisticated, and bargains and world-class luxury.

2. Toronto, Ontario: Toronto remains one of Canada’s most popular destinations for international tourists, though perhaps less so for many Canadians living elsewhere in the country. Toronto has a lot going for it, and there is always a variety of exciting events going on – some of which even garner international attention. Sports have also recently become very prominent on the scene, with the immense success of the Raptors and the promise of the Blue Jays providing many successful games for viewers to relax and enjoy on beautiful days. One cannot go wrong with travelling to Toronto, as the city provides good culture, food, entertainment, sports, and many other fun activities.

3. Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia: For those who love taking road trips as their main means of travel, the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia offers stunning views and an exciting, pleasant driving experience. Along the Cabot Trail, there is a plethora of things to do and see, so that a drive that in the past could be completed in one day is now a full vacation experience. Here, one can find the Cabot Cliffs Golf Course, the Skyline Trail, boat races, and cycling tours. The Cabot Trail also cuts through Cape Breton Highlands National Park, and passes the beautiful Ingonish Beach. All of these wonderful sights and activities would make for an unforgettable trip.

4. Calgary, Alberta: Calgary is an ideal destination for music lovers. The National Music Centre at Studio Bell, a hub for music and technology, will be opening this year. It holds over 2000 rare instruments, exhibits, and sound equipment from Canadian music memorabilia. There is also performance space for collaborations, community cultivation, engagements, and exchanges. With the Juno Awards recently held here, Calgary is a current hotspot for arts and culture activities. Calgary also has a culinary scene, and the public art there is worth checking out.

5. Tofino, British Columbia: Lovers of the wilderness and adventure will thrive in Tofino’s gorgeous nature and community vibe. Tofino started as fairly anonymous within the tourism world, but has grown into a destination adored by travelers around the world. The Wickaninnish Inn, located just outside of Tofino, is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and the community is reflecting on its growth throughout the years. Tofino boasts an increasing amount of fine restaurants and spas, and the locals celebrate the luxury of the surroundings more than any material things. One can really get to know the community in Tofino, as well as its culture and history.

Read 254892 times Last modified on Wednesday, 15 June 2016 23:00
Wednesday, 15 June 2016 23:00


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