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Capturing every moment: Finding the right camera for your travels Featured

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Whether you are hitting the beaches of Cuba, or hiking up into Machu Picchu, a good camera is your best ally when looking to capture the moments and memories of your trip. Before you visit the nearest Best Buy or camera store to purchase anything, take the time to figure out what best suits your needs. Often times, when you're in a rush to prepare for a trip, people prematurely buy whatever camera they can get their hands on. It is not until they get to their destination that they discover that what they bought wasn't actually what they needed.

Take the time to do your research and shop around for a few different models. Also, take the time to ask yourself what you intend to get out of this trip. If you're going to Cuba for a week of drinking, dancing, and beach-bumming, then an expensive DSLR (Digital Single-lens Reflex) camera might not be your first choice. Instead, look into a smaller and more affordable “point and shoot” camera with 10 or 18 MP. These types of cameras offer great picture quality, are very easy to carry around, and cost much less than the more intricate DSLR's.

On the other hand, if you are looking to travel for an extended period of time and would like to create some sort of photo journal of your travels, perhaps purchasing a more expensive DSLR is the way to go. To start, ask yourself how much you would like to spend and what kind of pictures you would like to take. Since many DSLR cameras can be purchased with a variety of lens options, the price range can easily fluctuate into the thousands depending on the number of components you buy. DSLR cameras are also bulkier and will take up more space as you add on a number of lenses. If your trip itinerary limits you to the amount of things you can carry (backpacking perhaps), then it may be wise to leave the tripod and other lenses at home. When looking for a good DSLR, focus on the picture quality and the type of lens options available. Companies like Sony & Nikon make great DSLR's for the novice photographer, as well as the experienced photo journalist.

If you take the time to find out what camera works best for you, not only will you save money, but you will also be able to capture the moments of your trip to the best of your ability. If you are looking for some more advice, try checking out before you head into the camera store!

Read 194055 times Last modified on Monday, 16 December 2013 22:08
Monday, 16 December 2013 22:00


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