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Top Five Freebies at Your Local Library Featured

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Through the eyes of Joshua...

In our world of flashing images and constant adrenaline-fueled stimulation, our libraries have grown quiet and lonely. But we're here to tell you that the library is more than just a place to read books, it's a source for many of the entertainments you're looking for... and it's free!

  1. Borrowing Entertainment: We all know that your local library lend books, but did you know that libraries also have music, movies, and magazines that can be borrowed? Check out some new releases and current tunes at no cost!
  2. E-Entertainment: Magazine issues, movies, TV shows, music, and especially books are now all available online and provided by the library for free. Even better, you can rent them without leaving your home!
  3. Classes: Sometimes it's nice to connect and learn with other people, rather than being hunched over a book or computer all day. Some library branches offer free classes to the public, from how to start your own business to how to write your own memoir.
  4. Events: People often see books and the library as an isolating environment, where the solemn librarian holds a bony finger to her lips, silencing any attempts to talk. However, like community centers, the library is a place to bring people together. Many libraries host public events such as author readings and poetry nights and they're all free!
  5. Research: The bulk of a library’s budget goes into subscription fees to databases. There is a vast array of knowledge at your fingertips and all you need to access it is your library card number. Whether you're looking for career hunting resources or accredited scholarly journals, the library is the place to start. And even better, all of it can be accessed online for free!


Read 204787 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 23:08
Wednesday, 16 July 2014 23:00


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    Evaluate It by SQM - Top Five Freebies at Your Local Library