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Top Five Spas in Toronto Featured

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Through the eyes of Amy...

Are you stressed out because of the Holiday Season? Looking to escape the cold for just a little while? Well, you're in luck because Toronto has some of the best spas around- offering massages, facials, steam rooms and much more. So what are you waiting for? Take your pick and put your feet up! Here are the best spas in Toronto.

1. Body Blitz
This is a womens only spa, which has two Toronto locations. It sets itself apart from other spas with its specialized “water circuit” based around ancient water practices. They also offer their signature full body scrub. And after all of that, visitors can relax in the pools and saunas.

2. Hammam Spa
The Hammam Spa is a grotto-like spa that is located underground at King and Portland. The spa is set apart by its unique steam room that gave the spa it’s name. One of their top selling massages is their one-hour Swedish massage. A visit costs $55, and you can also get a free visit when purchasing a treatment over $100.

3. Elmwood Spa
The Elmwood Spa is spread across four large floors, which in total contain 34 treatment rooms and also includes two restaurants. This spa truly is Toronto’s urban oasis with its complimentary use of the “water therapies” areas including a whirlpool, steam room and swimming pool.

4. Four Seasons Spa
The Four Seasons Spa encompasses a massive 30,000 square feet. The spa’s spaciousness provides an open environment. The price tag for this spa does not come cheap since sample treatments include gold plumping facials for $250, or a patchouli-and-hemp infused package for $420.

5. Sweetgrass Spa
The Sweetgrass Spa (a womens only spa) offers its signature Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage ($150), which is a special technique which uses the entire forearm. Or you can try their 24- karat gold leaf mask ($195). This spa also contains an ozonated swimming pool and an infrared sauna.

Read 374944 times Last modified on Tuesday, 26 July 2016 12:46
Monday, 17 November 2014 22:00


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