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Customer Service with the Simple Click of a Button Featured

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Through the eyes of Amy...

Recently I went to a music store located in Downtown Toronto. The store not only sold albums, but also music and pop culture related shirts and trinkets. The employees were both knowledgeable about their products and helpful to their customers.

This isn't the first store I've been to with great merchandise and employees, so what set it apart? What made this particular store unique was that instead of blatantly up-selling or suggestive selling their products by being overbearing with their music knowledge, the employees seemed to genuinely want to help their customers find exactly what they were looking for.

I'd entered the store with the goal of purchasing a band t-shirt for my cousin. Upon entering, I saw neat displays of shirt deigns on the shelves and began my search. Unfortunately, the band that was my cousin's favourite was not represented on any of the store's shirt designs. So I began to look for novelty items that my cousin might like instead. While I was browsing, an employee asked if I needed any help. I told them that I was initially looking for a particular band t-shirt, but that it didn't look like they had it. Instead of merely suggesting other t-shirts that the store had to offer, the employee nodded in understanding and empathized with me about having to shop for a fastidious teenager. The employee then went to their computer and informed me about another nearby store that should have that particular band t-shirt in stock. They told me how to get there and, after thanking them, I left the store.

Later I found out that the other store the employee had informed me about was a sister store.The employee had not only helped me locate the band t-shirt, but subtly promoted their own company. Both accommodating and clever, the company's employees were well-trained and admirable from a business standpoint.




Read 154443 times Last modified on Monday, 19 January 2015 22:07
Monday, 19 January 2015 22:00