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The Fine Art of Budget Travelling Featured

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Through the eyes of an intern...

If you want to see the world without putting a hole in your pocket book, there are several things you can do to save a couple bucks. We've gathered some of our own tried and true tips, so here they are!

For starters, you should look for a bunch of little deals as opposed to a couple big ones. Not only are you more likely to find smaller deals on accommodation and food, but they also add up to provide you with greater savings in the long run. You may not get a discount on that flight to Europe, but reducing your costs elsewhere will allow you to make up for the money you spent on it.

It is also important to plan and understand your itinerary. If you plan on taking part in paid excursions, be prepared to pay! Although guided tours and boat rides are a great way to see the country you are in, they also cost money. As an alternative, you can grab a map, pack a lunch with some food from the local market, and purchase a public transit day pass. This will allow you to go anywhere in the city without having to cough up money for tour guides or boat rides. You will also have the chance to experience the city on your own terms...without that cheesy tour guide.
It is also important to pack appropriately before you leave. If you have a general idea of the weather, pack your clothes accordingly. This will save you the hassle and money of having to buy clothes that you could have brought from home. Another great way to save money while traveling is to create a preliminary budget. By doing this, you can compare what you are actually spending to what you thought you would spend. This allows you to make adjustments to your finances while traveling. Keep in mind that you should always travel with spare cash or a credit card in case of emergencies, so by no means should you be frugal when it comes to reserved funds.

At the end of the day, the best way to save money is to do your research. Look up different hostels and hotels for the best price. Talk to a friend who may have previously traveled to the same place. He or she may know of some deals around the city! If you do your research ahead of time you will be able to save money in the long run!

Read 173471 times Last modified on Monday, 21 October 2013 15:05
Monday, 07 October 2013 23:00


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  • Comment Link iyimtvjfto Sunday, 15 October 2017 09:12 iyimtvjfto

    Evaluate It by SQM - The Fine Art of Budget Travelling

  • Comment Link tpjnxhcprg Sunday, 15 October 2017 01:43 tpjnxhcprg

    Evaluate It by SQM - The Fine Art of Budget Travelling

  • Comment Link dotggxgnfy Sunday, 15 October 2017 00:51 dotggxgnfy

    Evaluate It by SQM - The Fine Art of Budget Travelling

  • Comment Link pictcehzep Saturday, 14 October 2017 23:12 pictcehzep

    Evaluate It by SQM - The Fine Art of Budget Travelling

  • Comment Link wgsjwlinb Saturday, 14 October 2017 18:43 wgsjwlinb

    Evaluate It by SQM - The Fine Art of Budget Travelling

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