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Through the eyes of an intern....

I love looking for great deals on the internet when I hear about a theatre offering a deal. If it was to see a musical or play that I have been dying to see, whether it's one of my favorites or freshly off Broadway, I find it really hard to turn the deal down.

A couple of months ago, my friend and I were lucky enough to go see the multi-award winning musical Jersey Boys. The show was great and so were our seats (and better yet was the price we paid for them). We got two tickets for the price of one! How? By signing up to receive notifications about deals from the Mirvish website. It's free to do so and can end up saving you lots of money.

 Nowadays our inboxes are filled with e-mail, a lot of them coming from companies that are trying to make a sale. That being said, if you're a theatre nerd like me, you're not going to be marking these deals as spam. Of course, there isn't a guarantee that the play you want to see will be having a ticket sale. A positive about getting these “spam” emails is that it make it's easier to see which shows are currently playing at different theatres and it's a great way to discover plays that you may not have considered watching before.

 If you're on the fence about signing up, here is why I signed up.

 One of the more popular plays, The Book of Mormon, was playing in Toronto last year. I've been wanting to see it for a while, but something always came up. By the time I found out about the discounted tickets for the show, there were only a handful of seats remaining. Unfortunately, I missed the show again. After this, I searched the internet and found out that the easiest way to get deals for plays was to sign up at 

 If you’re looking forward to seeing a classic or want to check a new play, I highly recommend signing up to get these notification in order to save money and you may even get some of the best seats in the house.

Read 137774 times Last modified on Tuesday, 17 March 2015 10:53
Thursday, 05 March 2015 07:15


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